Bone loss in an entire jaw ridge leads to significant resorption and changes to its shape and density. Similarly, a tooth extracted or missing will leave an empty socket to shrink away. In either of these instances, the resulting bone loss creates an uneven jawline and bone too thin and weak to support dental implants. Localized augmentation in Catonsville, MD in the form of a socket preservation and augmentation along an entire jaw ridge can successfully restore the natural contours of the bone and create a strong foundation for new teeth with dental implants. These surgical bone grafting procedures benefit from the advanced training and skillful eye of an experienced oral and maxillofacial surgeon.
Oral and maxillofacial surgeons have achieved the highest level of training in surgical procedures, including ridge augmentation and socket preservation. With hands-on experience in school, residency, and in clinical practice, oral surgeons are the most qualified to treat your bone loss. Additionally, with both medical and dental training, they have full-scope expertise to keep you safe during your surgery and help you experience a comfortable, fast recovery. Our oral surgeon remains up to date in the latest developments in bone grafting techniques, dental technology, and innovative materials to improve the predictability and efficiency of your surgery at DCB Associates Whether you’ve had missing teeth for years or need a tooth extracted, we are here to provide comfortable treatment to restore your jaw’s natural shape and strength!
Adequate bone volume in your jaw is necessary for both its physical appearance and for securing dental implants to restore your missing teeth. Dental implant posts, which are surgically inserted into the jawbone, need the ridge to be at the proper height, width, and density to remain secure. To ensure your jawbone is healthy and dense, our oral surgeon in Catonsville, MD will complete ridge augmentation. During this procedure, we place bone grafting material (either granules or a block) in areas where the bone is weak or narrow. The goal is to recreate the natural contours of the jaw ridge where many teeth are missing, or to preserve the site after tooth extraction for future placement of a dental implant. During healing, this bone grafting material and the natural bone will fuse together and create a healthy, stable foundation for dental implants. While we practice minimally invasive techniques, ridge augmentation is a surgical procedure and we provide sedation and anesthesia options to ensure your comfort. After your recovery is complete, we can continue the dental implant treatment process and restoration of your smile!
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516 North Rolling Road, Suite 208
Catonsville, MD 21228
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